365 Days of Empties & My Anti-Clutter Goals

Something that gives me a lot of anxiety is clutter & hoarding. If my living space is cluttered up with lots of stuff, I’m constantly bothered by it until I get around to fixing it. If I’m not using something, I’d rather give it to a friend or drop it off to a thrift shop than store it somewhere. I hate the idea of stuff sitting around in boxes, closets,  etc.

At the end of December & beginning of January, I did a major clean-out of my living space. It wasn’t for a New Year’s resolution. I don’t do those. It was simply because I found the time & energy. I threw away anything unusable. I gave what was usable to the local thrift shop. I even sold some stuff on ebay. I got rid of as much as I could, any way I could. I’m really happy with the result.

Since I did such a good job in my anti-cluttering, my goal from here on out is to keep it that way. I want to continually take inventory of my belongings & get rid of whatever isn’t necessary. A far as beauty products are concerned, I want to use up what’s sitting around, as well as anything else I buy. I don’t want stuff sitting around, waiting to be used anymore. I’ve already taken the liberty to toss any of the products that I know I’ll absolutely never use. What’s left are all things that are usable, unexpired, & good-quality.

A fun way to keep up on my goal, as far as beauty products are concerned, is the 365 Days of Empties project. This is a project being done by lots of bloggers who have set a goal to use up 365 products within 365 days, beginning this January. For the sake of accountability, you post a photo of your used products on Instagram with the hash tag, #365DaysofEmpties. For the sake of your IG followers, you also post a short review for each product. What better time to review a product than after you’ve used it up entirely?

I don’t know about you but I love these kinds of tags on Instagram. I get a weird pleasure looking at photos of peoples beauty garbage. I suppose it’s because you know that something is good if someone used it all. It’s a good way to learn about new products that are, potentially, pretty good.

So, if you’re like me & you want to see some beauty garbage, follow me on Instagram. My user name is BeautyBeyondtheScale. I will post photos of groups of empties (like the one below) as I accumulate them (aka collect my own garbage). I’ll use the hash tag #365DaysofEmpties so that other people can follow along. For the sake of seeing all of my empties on one page, I will also use the hash tag, #BBTS365 so be sure to click on that one to see all of my posts together.

Now I present to you, my first empties of 2015. To read a mini review of these products, check out my Instagram. Let’s see if I can use up 365 products. Will you be playing along & trying to use up 365 of your own products this year? Leave me a comment & we can cheer each other on. 🙂


7 thoughts on “365 Days of Empties & My Anti-Clutter Goals

  1. I love this idea. I am going through the same feelings about my excess and I am SO thankful that we now have this hashtag to further encourage this community to use our excess! I love what I see from your blog.

  2. Pingback: Top 10 Ways to Save $ as a 20 Something! | Gracefully Yours

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